Once upon a time, two families from Houston ventured into the Casablanca medina (old town).
It was a searing hot day and finding parking was the first challenge. Once our feet hit the cobblestones, excited vendors emerged from their stalls to beckon us into their dark and dusty boxes. Not unlike typical Chinatown chaos, the labyrinth of market shops began. It was apparent that more goods originated from the Plastic Continent than home-grown Moroccan. But surprisingly it didn't seem to make the medina any less Moroccan.
Casa Medina |
We wove our way along alleys, passing mosques, kittens, garbage, produce, furniture fabrication, junk yards, textiles, and much more of everything.
Little L catches sight of a kitten |
Boy #1 sneaks a peak inside the (no-go-zone) mosque |
The sign actually says "Boutique California" |
Casa Medina |
"Mom, we're heading to the mosque." |
Medina kids |
Manufacturing corner |
Bug Boy scored a free painting! |
Then it was time to find a restaurant open for business. Not as easy as you may think.
A well-known restaurant, Cafe Maure |
They sure love their king |
Where old meets new. Opposite the Port of Casablanca |
Still looking, still looking... SCORE! Rick's Cafe - straight out of the movie, 'CASABLANCA'.
Thx V.
Rick's Cafe |
Looking up from the table |
Humphrey Bogart's gambling den |